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Artist Statement #1

For the last project I honestly was slightly confused what the end goal and what I was aiming for was supposed to be. After looking back at the results, that mindset probably helped the outcome of my project(s) as a whole. I really enjoyed making multiple things and because AI was so easy to generate and quick to make I did not have too much care if I messed something up because if I did it was easy to undo or make an entirely new one from scratch. This technique/mindset going into the project helped me generate tons of news images but also after a little while a few ideas and keywords is what I started drifting to. I really enjoyed audacity and making gifs in photoshop so a few of my final pieces I showed doing critique were a combination of the two. As I said, form the beginning I did not have a plan but towards the end I started to drift more towards bright colors as well as skeletons in some way. This reflects the work I did not only throughout the last project but in my other art class as well. I think that my work and what I was trying to communicate was successful. If I had to do it again I would probably try to inter-glitch photos into different programs more

see how interesting I could really make the pictures.

This is one of my favorite images that was made that came from a failed infinite loop!

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